Departamento de Inform?ica da Universidade da Beira Interior

























SOCIA Lab. - Soft Computing and Image Analysis Group 

Department of Computer Science, University of Beira Interior, 6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal






Fully Annotated Datasets for Pedestrian Detection, Tracking, Re-Identification and Search from Aerial Devices




Here we describe the empirical evaluation protocol that should be used to provide comparable results in the P-DESTRE dataset. 
In our experiments, to establish a baseline for each task, 10/5-fold cross-validation schemes were considered, with data randomly divided into 60% for learning, 20% for validation and 20% for testing.

Each data split used for the: 1) pedestrian detection; 2) pedestrian tracking; 3) pedestrian re-identification and 4) pedestrian search is provided below.


Task 1: Pedestrian Detection


  • 10-fold learning/validation/test splits are available [here]
  • Baseline pedestrian detection scores for RetinaNet [T1-1] and RFCN [T1-2] methods, on the PASCAL VOC 2007/2012 and P-DESTRE datasets is available [here]

The Average Precision values (at Intersection of Union values equal to 0.5) - AP@IoU=0.5 obtained by both methods are provided in the Table below. The mean +/- the standard deviation values are provided.

[T1-1] T-Y Lin, P. Goyal, R. Girshick, K. He and P. Dollar. Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 42(2), pag. 318–327, 2020.

[T1-2] J. Dai, Y. Li, K. He and J. Sun. R-FCN: Object detection via region- based fully convolutional networks. In proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, pag. 379–387, 2016.


Task 2: Pedestrian Tracking

The sequences of each ID (tracklets) in the P-DESTRE set have different length, ranging from 4 to 2,467 (average value 63.7 +/- 138.8). The full statistic of the tracklets length is as follows:


  • 10-fold learning/validation/test splits are available [here
  • Baseline pedestrian tracking scores for TracktorCv [T2-1] and V-IOU [T2-2] methods, on the MOT-17 and P-DESTRE datasets are available [here]
  • Hyper-parameters specification of both methods is available [here]

The results attained by both algorithms and datasets are listed in the Table below, provided in terms of MOTA, MOTP, F-1 performance measures:

[T2-1] P. Bergmann, T. Meinhardt and L. Leal-Taixe. Tracking without bells and whistles. ArXiv,, 2019.

[T2-2] E. Bochinski, T. Senst and T. Sikora. Extending IOU based multi-object tracking by visual information. in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, doi: 10. 1109/AVSS.2018.8639144, 2018.


Task 3: Pedestrian Re-Identification


  • 5-fold learning/gallery/query splits are available [here]
  • Baseline pedestrian re-identification CMC scores for GLTR [T3-1] and COSAM [T3-2] methods, on the MARS and P-DESTRE datasets are available [here]

The results attained by both algorithms and datasets are listed in the Table below, provided in terms of mean average precision(mAP) and cumulative rank-1 and 20 values:


[T3-1] J. Li, J. Wang1, Q. Tian, W. Gao and S. Zhang. Global-Local Temporal Representations For Video Person Re-Identification ArXiv, https://arxiv. org/abs/1908.10049v1, 2019.

[T3-2] A. Subramaniam, A. Nambiar and A. Mittal. Co-segmentation Inspired Attention Networks for Video-based Person Re-identification. In proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision, pag. 562- 572, 2019. 


Task 4: Pedestrian Search

  • 5-fold learning/gallery/query splits are available [here]
  • Baseline pedestrian search CMC scores (obtained by fusing ArcFace [T4-1] and COSAM [T4-2] scores) on the P-DESTRE dataset are available [here]

The results attained are listed in the Table below, provided in terms of mean average precision(mAP), and cumulative rank-1 and 20 values:

[T4-1] J. Deng, J. Guo, N. Xue and S. Zafeiriou. Arcface: Additive angular margin loss for deep face recognition. In proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,doi: 10.1109/CVPR.2019.00482, 2019

A. Subramaniam, A. Nambiar and A. Mittal. Co-segmentation Inspired Attention Networks for Video-based Person Re-identification. In proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision, pag. 562- 572, 2019.   














DI-UBI Bloco VI Rua Marqu? de ?vila e Bolama P- 6201-001 Covilh?PORTUGAL